FUEL TAX; We all know fuel
cost is a major contributor to cost of living. For the 2.6 million sq. Km of Westralia it is a cost-multiplier at destination's
What if we used the downside of remote locations as an
upside for decentralisation, using fuel tax as a key component?
See Westralia.Net's proposal.
pdf. Fuel Tax Download
SOLARIA WASTE TREATMENT PLANT; After the disgraceful episodes at Bellevue
(See reports from Issues Page) and Brookdale that demonstrated the requirement for a purpose built and sited Hazardous
Waste Treatment Facility, Westralia.Net proposes the SOLARIA Facility.
pdf. Solaria Facility Download.
Westralia.Net wishes to introduce electoral rules requiring equal representation of genders by consolidating every
two electorates into 1, then requiring each electorate to be represented by one man, and one woman.
This does not give us more politicians, but
it does provide a more equitable balance of gender representation.
Hey, this does not mean we seek proportional
representation of all sexual orientations, or mean to exclude gays, lesbians, or any hermaphrodites. This just
means our Parliaments are fairly represented across the gender spectrum; ...including everyone in between.
PERTH WATER: The capital city's water
supply is becoming an issue for concern. Of course the REAL problem is one of centralisation; Why do we have only one large
population centre in 2.6 million sq.Km? Isn't it about time we thought of a population base where the water is?
...In the North, for example, if we are serious about strategic
However in the meantime, why build a 45
Gl desalination plant, pumping hundreds of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the sky, when the Water Corporation
throw away a similar amount of slightly brackish water every year from the large Wellington Dam? View the
plan to utilise this water and it's free hydraulic pressure to power a desalination plant.
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Powers of Creation and Human Transformation,
coming to a brain cell near YOU soon!