Our Mission is to embarrass, ridicule, lobby, and use any legitimate means towards State MP's,
media, and public to achieve our goals.
That is: No more lies. No more deceptive practices. No more hiding of legitimate mistakes. No more
We want full accountability to the public.
We want a return of responsibilities and integrity to the Public Service.
We want individual decision-makers not to be yellow-backed spineless bums who have to hide behind
committees, panels, and boards.
We want individuals of integrity who can stand by their own deeds and accept responsibility and
are honest enough to accept their own mistakes.
We don't want Superhumans. We just want REAL human beings with heart and soul that the citizens
can trust in. Mistakes or not.
These are the public servants that we yearn for.
...But don't worry; The "Mission Impossible"
Team always accomplished their mission.
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