WESTRALIA.net is a group of committed individuals who believe in the vast potential of Western Australia, its people,
and resources.
Individuals involved are either professionally qualified in their chosen field of interest, or are qualified by
unfortunate personal experience at the incompetent hand of state government agencies.
Westralia Administration Agency was originally conceived in 1991 by A. Fraser Hobday and Frank Hansford-Miller
as a "think-tank" of motivated people to promote good management of Western Australias resources. Being outside the political
cycles and party influences, the agency was in an independent position to assess long-term public management and policy proposals
put forward by various sources in government, industry, academia.
During the 1990s it became increasingly apparent that succesive WA governments failed to learn important lessons
from many past mistakes. The mentality of "cover-ups" and actions outside the public interest appeared to many people to be
rampant, particularly in the public health and environmental protection areas.
The tragedy of the earlier Wittenoom saga that resulted in many Western Australians needlessly suffering a protracted
death and making us the world capital for mesothelioma (akin to drowning with wet concrete in ones chest over many months)
remains an ignored lesson by many in the WA bureaucracy.
Furthermore one of the founders of the original agency found that misinformation generated by WA health authorities
in 1981 had resulted in him remaining ignorant that he had contracted serious lead poisoning, despite his personal presentation
requesting help at the time. This was only revealed in 1996, when the Sunday Times published front page allegations of the
Health Dept. failing to provide blood lead testing of school children adjacent to a heavily polluted former industrial site,
because it "did not want to create any hysteria". Hats off to journalist, Michael Southwell.
It appears the department had little concern about creating a lack of public confidence.
The denial story continues with WA Agricultural Board workers allegedly being given off-specification herbicide
(ex-Vietnam war) in unmarked drums during the 1980s. The elevated dioxin levels in suspect samples were so high over specification
that this chemical could only be described as "toxic waste", not herbicide. The workers were told it was safe enough to drink.
Yet as recently as late as February 2004, the state government still had not provided legitimate medical entitlements to the
former workers. Of the 90 odd workers affected, 36 were already preamturely dead.
Those people involved in the "managed" toxic waste sites around the State tell similar stories of dismal practices
and suspect public poisonings.
Still we find no prosecutions of decision makers who are allowed to continue to operate in a manner contrary to
their official responsibilities.
The ministers appear weak. It looks like the Premier passes the buck, and the Attorney General fails to respond
to accusations of the WA criminal code being broken by the governments own staff.
So it was in this climate of "no confidence" of consecutive WA state governments, together with many other public
policy issues that WESTRALIA.net was floated as a "Pirate Government".
This is akin to the pirate radio stations operating offshore from Western Europe in the 1970s. Listeners chose
audio freedom or crap government cotrolled radio.
WESTRALIA.net is a virtual nation, with a virtual government for a nation that does not physically exist, operating
parallel to the Western Australian state government.
We make no claim to actual territory. However our geographic references share the same borders as that of the State
of Western Australia. All virtual 2,600,000 square kilometres of it.
As a virtual nation we exist only in cyberspace and your mind.
So we have to wait and see what a threat to YOUR mind we are, before we are the subject of the worlds first "inter-national"
cyber offensive by "thought control and prevention forces".
However this is where the action is. Your mind. Your thinking, and your
ability to say, "Enough is enough. We want intelligent, compasionate government, big on wealth creation and common sense.
It is time for human progress. No more dinosaurs!"
WESTRALIA.net will present policies, solutions, and proposals with a vision that is free of petty party politics
and short term election promises.
We are small on politics and big on policies.
Our people are diverse and not of any particular left, right or even extreme centre ideals. We will listen to your
parrot, if it has good idea.
We debate and hammer out different view points without favour.
We do not care if the State steals our policies. In fact we want them to.
We do not take ourselves seriously.
We are a joke, buffoons and jesters, but our policies are for real, and the potential for land that represents
WESTRALIA is real.
Death to Mediocrity! It is the downward path to social entropy.
We put WESTRALIA first, because somebody has to.
WESTRALIA.net puts
the WE back into 'STRALIA.