Our campaign focuses on the deception that the citizens of Western Australia have suffered
due to State Government agencies. Western Australia has many dying of mesothelioma. Totally avoidable.
94 effected agricultural workers were interviewed by the WA government inquiry, 36 (as of
late 2003) are already dead. (About 50 by late 2004) as a result of illegal activities of the State government. Other workers
have been denied knowledge of contracting crippling diseases.
We need public support. We want the people of Western Australia to see the State government
as who they really are. How can they remain without any accountability for the many deaths and suffering caused by blatant
There exists no reason why you should have nothing but the BEST QUALITY public management.
You have immese wealth, but allow the Feds to take it away and ration it back to you.
Too many remain apathetic and believe those who fight to be cynical. ...But wait until it happens
to your family.
Wait until you find some government agency knew all along while you were being poisoned, and
they do nothing but hide the facts.
Don't wait until it is too late. STOP THE ROT NOW before you end up unknowingly breathing toxic
fumes, or drenched in chemicals that were too dangerous to use during war. Many more stories...
Start at our MISSION page and see what we are about. Read our HISTORY and a long discontent.
See the ISSUES and how you could be next. Follow the news journal on WIND-UP.