WESTRALIA.net is a Virtual Nation
PRESIDENT - Moses Ngoombujarra
HEALTH - Marie Ryan
JUSTICE - John Button
EDUCATION - Alan Carpenter
CULTURAL Heritage & Arts
Whistlers' Corner
TOURISM - Roger Roos
The Rundown
Derby Dioxin
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WESTRALIA.net #1 Portal

Welcome to one of our web sites!
WESTRALIA.net is a Virtual Nation. This means we do not physically exist. We are an ideal, a permanent opposition to the  Government of Western Australia. In our ideal we share the same borders as that of Western Australia. Nearly 1 million square miles, or almost 2.6 million square kilometres. We have 12,500 Km of coastline.
We have immense natural wealth that allows us to be the wealthiest society on Earth.
We exist in cyberspace, that is our ideals and mission exists ultimately only in your mind.

Our campaign focuses on the deception that the citizens of Western Australia have suffered due to State Government agencies. Western Australia has many dying of mesothelioma. Totally avoidable.
94 effected agricultural workers were interviewed by the WA government inquiry, 36 (as of late 2003) are already dead. (About 50 by late 2004) as a result of illegal activities of the State government. Other workers have been denied knowledge of contracting crippling diseases.
We need public support. We want the people of Western Australia to see the State government as who they really are. How can they remain without any accountability for the many deaths and suffering caused by blatant callousness?

There exists no reason why you should have nothing but the BEST QUALITY public management. You have immese wealth, but allow the Feds to take it away and ration it back to you.

Too many remain apathetic and believe those who fight to be cynical. ...But wait until it happens to your family.

Wait until you find some government agency knew all along while you were being poisoned, and they do nothing but hide the facts.

Don't wait until it is too late. STOP THE ROT NOW before you end up unknowingly breathing toxic fumes, or drenched in chemicals that were too dangerous to use during war. Many more stories... 

Start at our MISSION page and see what we are about. Read our HISTORY and a long discontent. See the ISSUES and how you could be next. Follow the news journal on WIND-UP.


Think a Virtual Pirate Government is Bad News...?
Flag of the Pirate Government.  - The Good Guys.
... Wait Until You Suffer at the Hands of the Real Government !

The State's Candidate. He might be coming early for your family. Discover on this site about illnesses, suffering, diseases, and horrible deaths due to a government out of control. Turn your speakers on to get the general psycho ambience. YOU can fix it.

He is why we must be.
See The Facade I Hide Behind. CLICK HERE.
The State Government has killed its own citizens. Maybe your children tomorrow. Truth, not drama.


Government Staff Poisoned

                                              *  *  *
If the real government had a motto, this would probably be it:
"Look, it's really simple. We lie to you and if you don't believe us we lie to you some more and if you still don't believe us we go ahead and do it anyway."


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DISCLAIMER: Westralia.Net and the people and entities involved accept no responsibility for accuracy or completeness of any material contained in these publications. Additionally, Westralia.Net and people and entities involved or associated in any way disclaim all liability to any person or entity in respect of anything, and of the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done by any such person or entity in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon any information, details, inferences presented in these publications.

Where did we learn such messages of irresponsibility? ...From a Real government publication of course!

If you think a "Pirate Government" is bad news....
Pirate Government of Westralia
...Wait until your life suffers at the hands of the REAL government of WA.