A new website is up and running focusing on land pollution, particularly in the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire. LANDPOISON.COM is operated by Paul Nield.
Nield has been the subject of Restraining Orders from the Shire and related court appearances, in his attempts to publicly question the process that allow such pollution. The site contains pictures and incredible stories that are often quite unbelievable. The amazing part is that Nield is able to back-up allegations with documentation and official records.
Nield is not backward in coming forward when it comes to naming names.
The site demonstrates the the chemical contamination of the Serpentine River, Peel Estuary, and groundwater adjacent to the Jandakot watermound, where Perth city obtains much of its drinking water.
Nield's style is entertaining, but like many of the Expose's related at Westralia.Net, truly horrifying.
He has been very successfuly labelled a crank by the-powers-that-be, however if you are dumb enough to believe those who lie and intentionally mislead to us so frequently, remember, there is no smoke without fire.
...Believe LANDPOISON.COM ...We've seen the fire!
Posted by Westralia.Net
at 11:31 AM WST
Updated: Thursday, 18 November 2004 7:53 PM WST