We received correspondence from the Kwinana Progress Accosiation who have for years being attmpting to get government regulatory authorities to enforce emission laws on neighbouring heavy industries:
I have just been reading the Health Survey Report again and have noted:
Paragraph 2 on Page 1:
"The major aim of the study was to identify any health problems around the
Kwinana Industrial Strip that were atypical of the State in general, and
then to explain the differences if possible. However it is not possible to
identify the underlying causes of symptoms or health conditions from a survey of this kind" (Emphasis added)
I rest my case... This report is worthless for the purpose the DOH intended
it for!
We believe this sentence must have been inserted surreptitiously by an honest Dept of Health officer, ....Coz surely the authors could not be that stupid. ....But then again ...?
Posted by Westralia.Net
at 9:22 AM WST