Around 50 citizens dead, more dying.
See the suppressed evidence that the WA government says does not exist!
The government, agricultural minister, and their hired guns consistently report there is no evidence supporting the the surviving APB workers claim of exposure to unregulated dioxin upto 2600 times the allowable limit, and much more potent contamination than the dreaded Agent Orange.
Their dumb argument is that there is no documentation to prove supply. This is like arguing Osama Bin Laden does not exist, because he is not in any Afghan telephone book!
The minister says that if the workers were exposed to such a substance, it was outside the tender supply process. Of course it was! That's the point of their complaints! Do you really think anybody is going to leave documentation of such criminal activity? ....and that's their defence?
Is this man an imbecile, or what???
The WA government choose to pretend all the many official records of eyewitness accounts do not exist.
The workers have always claimed secrecy surrounded the arrival of the large quantity of old unmarked drums containing a substance that looked nothing like 245T herbicide. They asked then:
Why does it look different?
Why were the drums unmarked, contrary to the regulations?
What is it?
Why does it making us so sick?
Why can not an alternative be used?
....Then they started dying.
...No answers then. No answers now.
* Evidence of large supply ex-Singapore, despite no records of manufacturing large quantities there, supporting claims of ex-Vietnam war stock.
* Continuity of physical characteristic of fire-damaged stock, manufacturers description, and workers description. This is NOT standard 245T the WA government want you to believe, and the basis of their completely irrelevant medical investigations of effects.
* The same unique product analysed by the government at upto 2600 times the dioxin limit allowable during the application period, and more potent than Agent Orange.
* The human element and effect on the surviving workers, who the the government refused to interview or check their medical records (but managed five (5) psychiatric reports on all the workers without meeting them!) during the Armstrong Review.