Incompetent WA government blow another half million dollars.
The story of Westralian crayfisherman, Jeffrey Palmer, finally reached a resolution this week with a compensation pay-out of $500,000 from the mean & dopey WA government.
In 1998 he inquired about fishing zone regulations and was advised by a WA government officer of areas to operate.
Sure enough, the same government charged and fined him $30,000 for fishing illegally in the recommended area. See - High Court Decision
Naturally Palmer fought for justice, but by now has lost his business and income for six years while paying the fine and launching legal challenge against the inept WA government.
Not content with handing out wrong information, then pursuing conviction on another hapless Westralian citizen trying to do the right thing, the WA government then fight the poor sucker denying all responsibility. As they frequently do, no matter who or how many of our beloved Westralian citizens they render bankrupt, hurt, maim or kill.
At Westralia.Net we won't harp on about the incompetence of issuing incorrect advice, simply because this was obviously an error, and mistakes do happen. We would like to think that the offending WA government officer has at least apologised to Jeffrey Palmer.
The real drama is the Minister of Fisheries not stepping in to ensure the subject never went to court in the first place.
However the big blunder for which WE ALL PAY is the government minders (we suspect the notorious Crown Solicitor's Office) dragged this on for so many years that we must all pay Palmer his half million. Which no doubt will not go all the way to compensate for the mess the WA government has made of his life. This would have been a hell of a lot less if the WA government did not try to beat Palmer down into submission by forcing him through the court process over several years.
They stuck to their mean-spirited guns to persecute this man, and were ultimately wrong, ...again.
BEWARE! YOU COULD BE THE NEXT VICTIM OF THESE WANKERS. Certainly someone is going to be. They can?t help themselves.
That?s why Westralia Wind-Up believes these people should be in jail.
Check out the WA Criminal Code and you will probably find them guilty of more than one breach.
As usual, the WA government enforces the law on us, but works above the law itself.
Posted by Westralia.Net
at 6:59 AM WST
Updated: Thursday, 3 March 2005 7:04 AM WST