Westralia.Net - CLICK HERE |
Westralia.Net * HEAD OF STATE * Virtual Nation |
Moses Ngoombujarra was appointed President of Westralia by Westralia.Net
administration during 2004.
Meekatharra born Wadjarri-Yamadji, President Ngoombujarra represents Westralia’s
citizens as Head of State. This is an important role of ceremony and national identity, and although carrying no power in
policy-making, the President does provide our citizens with a human figurehead that is representative of our own community
by geography and cultural heritage.
While neighbouring Australia is still debating whether they should have their OWN head
of state, let alone how to appoint one, progressive Westralia.Net - Virtual Nation, leads the way.
Presidents Bush and Ngoombujarra Meet |

Prior to appointment, Mr. Ngoombujarra travelled the globe, as a private
cultural and anthropological consultant, where his unique knowledge is highly valued internationally, particularly in the
creative arena of film, literature and artistic productions.
Westralia.Net administration was successful in negotiating suitable terms
of appointment for Mr. Ngoombujarra, enabling him not only to fulfil the role as President to the virtual nation, but additionally
to represent our interests, national objectives, and promotion of "Westralia.Net - Virtual Nation" to the global community
as Head of State.
Possibly the Last Leaders' Meeting for Mr Arafat |

President Ngoombujarra Shares One of his "NATION WITH NO LAND" Jokes with the late Yasser Arafat |
During 2004 President Ngoombujarra travelled to Europe, the Middle East,
North America, and Africa meeting with world leaders, introducing them to the concept of the Virtual Nation. Mr. Ngoombujarra
was able to demonstrate during his travels that although the concept may be new, in practice it was not, as many national
borders are simply illusionary, dictated solely by different systems of government that come and go.
In today’s technological climate, physical geography was less relevant
than the ideals and beliefs that bought individuals together into "community" of similar social values.
As in Westralia’s case, individuals have come together through fighting
often incompetent state government mechanisms that have not only frequently caused death and injury to innocent citizens,
but are also jeopardising Westralia’s future of unique opportunity to be a global leader of social and resource management.
Westralia President, Press Confrence |

President Ngoombujarra's Presentations, Challenging Tangible Borders |
President Ngoombujarra informs international leaders that although the
reality of borderless cyber-government is not considered a realistic option, Westralia.Net is the first cybernation in practice.
By using real geographical reference points, this is solely a means of
altering the climate of thought in small steps.
Ultimately that notion will be redundant, towards such time, as we perceive
ourselves without geographical borders, and as one humanity.
Within his argument he concedes there will always be some degree of retrospectivity.
Some communities will choose to reject, or by forced exclusion from within, the fruits of borderless societies dictated by
the evolution of new technologies, communication, science, and the spiritual need of humans for common fellowship, balanced
with the learned appreciation of diversity.