First Global Introduction Tour 1

President's Homepage
First Global Introduction Tour 1
First Global Introduction Tour 2
Pirate Government

As part of Westralia.Net's global awareness program, President Ngoombujarra toured extensively, meeting world leaders. Although it was often difficult to establish meetings with national leaders, through the President's charm and magnetic presence, Westralia.Net was able to open doors after initial liasons with senior advisors in each nation.
Agendas for discussion ranged from new communications technologies, indigenous culture, but mostly focused on the coming age of cyber policies and the preparation of governments to welcome the change of more informed, better educated, and aware citizens who will to a larger degree dictate political agendas.

Washington, DC
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DC2 May04
After Luncheon, Presidents Ngoombujarra and Bush stroll around the Whitehouse with Staff.

DC1 May04
The Presidents' First Meeting


DC12 May04
Photo Shoot!

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FR7 Jn04
President Ngoombujarra Addreses the French Media


President Chirac Welcomes President Ngoombujarra to France

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Berlin & Bonn, GERMANY
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One of the main missions of President Ngoombujarra while visiting Europe was to introduce the European economies to opportunities in the Westralia region. Whereas the Australian continent is usually seen by Germans as nothing more than an exotic vaction destination of vast open spaces, beaches, und unforgiving deserts in which to get bogged and die, Westralia offers other potentials.
President Ngoombujarra highlights the regional locality of our resource rich deposits within easy reach of the South East Asian  growth economies. These in turn are on the doorstep of the new Chinese era of prosperity, that in some ways will be an Oriental version of the North American 1950's.

Berlin with Chancellor Schroeder
President Ngoombujarra Explains the Potential of Westralia.Net in South East Hemisphere Development

President Ngoombujarra says that German companies' direct investment in China reached record volume in 2002, putting Germany way ahead of the United Kingdom as Europe's leading China and that German investment in China could more than double by 2010, rising from a total of 8 billion euros at the end of 2002 to about 20 billion euros in 2010. The main factor pushing German firms to increase their investment in China, is the massive Chinese domestic market. Three years ago, China had an estimated 76 million prosperous consumers with extra money for consumer goods. That is already more than Germany's entire population -- and it will only be the very beginning. Westralia.Net estimates that China will have 700 million big-spending consumers by 2015.

President Ngoombujarra reminds Europeans that it is not all Easy Strasse directly investing in China.

Legal uncertainties continue, with almost non-existent intellectual property rights and unpredictable regulatory obstacles.

Relatively high prices for electricity and raw materials have discouraged some firms from entering the Chinese market. China is still working to develop its electrical capacity, and currently suffers from a lack of electricity that forces some factories to operate only at non-peak hours.  This is a demonstration of where Westralian sourced energy will be required along with other material and outside  infrastructure support.

Chinese efficiency has also been falling and could soon be rivaled even by the United States in terms of product output for a given investment.

So to take advantage of Chinese growth does not necessarily mean investing directly in China, but perhaps more prudently be a supplier to that Chinese growth, without the internal risks.

Westralia is a position to meet many Chinese internal market requirements, yet does not present barriers that one may be exposed within the internal Chinese economic or local political environment.

Bonn, International Business TV "Far East Trade"
Public Broadcast - German Investment in China, Infrastructure Opportunity in the Indian Ocean Region

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Where did we learn such messages of irresponsibility? From a Real government publication of course!

If You Think a PIRATE GOVERNMENT is Bad News...
...Wait until YOU SUFFER at the Hands of The REAL government.